some nice things people have said about us 🤠
Clumsy Bodies are a really exciting company, who blend a deep political urgency with a playful, fun performance style. I've loved working with them on Clumsy Body Doubles so far, because they're constantly inventive. At a time when so much political theatre can come over as dull or preachy, it's hugely exciting to see this young company skewer their targets with humour and grace, while never losing sight of the bigger picture. Jess and Oli are charismatic performers with big ideas, and I'd work with them again any time!
-Tom Mansfield, Upstart Theatre
Clumsy Body's work is irreverent, bold, and utterly necessary; using horror and comedy to undercut and produce politically-charged performances. I’ve watched them masterfully move an audience from laughter to discomfort in seconds
- Kill The Cat Theatre
Clumsy Bodies are riotously inventive, daring and thrilling to watch. Their work is always an embracing reclamation of trans-ness, providing something utterly unique in their sheer playfulness with structure and delirious humour. They eviscerate the need for ‘trans trauma’ and instead thread through pop culture, multimedia and a finessed intelligence with communal delight to create new forms and boundary-pushing revelations.
As their former producer, I saw a necessary duo that constantly adapt to new ideas with a clear sense of purpose and skill that’s rare to see. They have the potential to define new narratives of trans hope and joy.
- Ben Monk, Director of International Development at Overture Plus